Flag for customers in cockpit with multiple open CTAs

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This is a suggestion from one of our CSMs:

"As a CSM, I would like to see a flag or indicator next to the client name if there is more than one CTA in our cockpit for that specific client. This would be helpful as I am going through my cockpit so I can tell if I have an outstanding CTA. In this case - this client happened to have one notification to do a business review, and another notification to complete some year end proactive outreach."

Hi Alison, it makes a ton of sense to want to know if there are more than one CTA for that customer. We designed grouping functionality to allow you to quickly group your Cockpit by customer. See info here on that: https://support.gainsight.com/Cockpit_and_Playbooks/User_Guides/02_How_to_Use_Cockpit_to_Manage_Dail...

Also, if you want to keep your existing grouping, you can use the text search (magnifying glass on the navigation bar at the center of the page) to look for that customer name, and only CTAs for that customer will appear.

Hope this helps!

Thank you, Dan! This is super helpful!