Make editing HTML email templates easier from basic design

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In email templates it’s possible to load HTML from an external source but in order to make it editable from the Design tab (basic), the gs-editable=true tag has to be added to every element that requires editing manually.

Can there be an easy button to apply to the whole layout rather than have to manually add the tag to each element?

Agreed, this wasn’t required prior to the upgrade of the email editor.

Returning to this post because I wish I could upvote this more than once. The requirement of this tag to make any edit to any part of an html email has made it 10x more difficult to produce it. 

I understand your point and we are planning to optimize the email building experience. This includes making both editing and creation easy and better. We are targeting first half of 2021. I will keep you posted as we have more concrete plan.

@nitisha_rathi has there been any update to this?

One way is to apply the gs-editable at the highest-level element, making the entire email editable. I now only apply it in one place vs each table. 

@ssamarth do we have an update?

Hi All,

I have taken note of this. Will try to get this done as part of our planned Email Template Revamp .