Horizon Rules User Experience

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The new horizon UI for bionic rules is great, it has new fields, sort capability, cleaned up, modernized and a great set of things.


It does, however have one major concern and one other concern.


The old Rules Engine was always a struggle with the hyperlink and people would click on the link to go into view mode, when you wanted to go into edit.


It might be worth considering to make the hyperlink go into edit.

There is great things in the new UI, this one would be a very nice to have.

@jim_barker great to hear the feedback from you! 

Just wanted to understand the use-case, why are you so particular going to edit screen? The current screen gives you Rules Info, Rules Set-up, Rule Actions, Execution History etc and other options too.

The edit screen is where you will do 95% of everything in the rules engine UI, most will only use the other view to get to execution details...the other 3 tabs are rarely used...it is easier to tell what is going on in edit mode...happy to do a usability session to show you what I mean.

This literally trips me up even after over 5 years of using the Rules Engine.  I STILL click on the title expecting it to open up the rule, and then, have an extra to click to go to Edit when I realize I’ve clicked the wrong thing!

Overall UI experience is horrendous as there is absolutely no consistency in the UI layouts and framework.

Every section has its own way for saving, filtering, clicking in, editing. And is confusing and hard to adopt that way.