Success Plan export - support snapshot 2.0

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This was cited as a comment on  Figured it warranted it’s own post.

With end users heavily using Success Plans built on Success Snapshot 2.0 it would be great if the Success Plan Export Configuration would support 2.0.  

We have dashboard reports linking to SPs, which end users will use to pull up specific SPs.  Except if they want to export, they have to go the extra step to navigate to C360 in order to export a Success Snapshot because the native export function doesn’t support 2.0, producing a frustrating end user experience.





@dan_ahrens Can you please have someone look into this?  It’s highly confusing to end users for customers on SP 2.0. 

@darkknight I have redirected this to our product team.


I have to agree with darkknight - not only is this very confusing from an end-user perspective but the issue popup is misleading - the message reads as if the admin hasn’t set something up correctly on the back end.

If something can’t be done to fix the PPT export from this page, can either the popup message be changed so it doesn’t appear the admin hasn’t set something up OR can you remove the option entirely so that only the live share link appears as an option?

@darkknight Thanks for bringing this to our notice. We have added this to our product roadmap. I will update here once we consider this for a particular release.