Possible changes to wording in participant setup of a program

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Posting internally to get some other feedback!

I may be on an island here but I find the following could be improved for clarity

I hope this doesn't seem too picky but here would be my suggestions:

Entry Criteria -> Re-entry criteria

Participant with the same unique criteria can enter after -> Participants with the same unique criteria can re-enter when in the following states


Participants with the same unique criteria can re-enter when they already exist with the following state(s)

A few times in support I've users people not quite understand the second option. For example, I've seen users choose every single status which can cause duplicates(even though they are different participants) to enter if they are still in an active status and get pulled into the participant source again.

Agreed. I also think this step should come after you map participant sources. It's pretty confusing the way it's currently ordered.

You have my vote!

Wow, I did not think about a duplicate coming in because they picked "Active" as one of the "re-entry" particpant states.