Success Plan Reporting: Drafts and Objectives

Related products: CS Success Plans

Not sure if anyone else has noticed this, but I have a report that my teams use to show overdue CTAs, and it's including objectives from Success Plans that are still marked as Drafts. I can obviously add an exclusion to the report to remove them, but it didn't make sense to me that those should be included, especially since they are excluded from showing up in the cockpit. Support informed me this is intended, and suggested I post here. It's been very confusing for my leaders and CSMs, so thought others might also want to be aware.


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Currently, if the success plan is in draft state and if we try to open a CTA from report or from notification link its throwing an error – “The CTA you are trying to access could not be found as it might be in draft state or deleted or due to a system error.
As the error message is not referring to Success plan but referring to CTA, can we change it to “The associated Success plan is in draft state, so the CTA you are trying to access could not be found” it will make the customers easily understandable.


I am kicking this over into an idea so product has visibility into this issue. I run into a lot of confusion with this as users think they have mis-matching numbers. 


Steve Davis
I think you're making a really good point, Heather.  If a Success Plan is in "draft", why would the CTAs act like they were in "draft" as well from a reporting perspective...especially since they active like they are in "draft" on Cockpit (by not showing up).  I do think if we found a way to resolve the 'draft' part that Steve's point would still hold true--when you make that Success Plan active those CTAs will become real and count on Cockpit and in Reports just like any other CTA.  It sounds like you're OK with "active" Success Plan CTAs counting, right?  Thanks for bringing this up!!
That's correct, Elaine! I absolutely would want them to show if the plan in active. Just not when it's a draft.
I also ran into this issue when I was cleaning up old CTA's, and after using mass edit to delete CTA's over 90 days old, these "drafts" were still appearing in all CTA reports. My suggestion is to either (a) not have them appear in reporting if they are in draft stage, (b) show drafts in Cockpit, or (c) allow them to be deleted via mass edit.
Hi Theresa,

To comment on your 3rd point, its already in our roadmap to improve mass edit for Objectives.

Questions on same: How would it be if we show Objective CTA's in mass edit, only when Type = Objective is selected in filter.


Hi Heather,

When getting CTA's in Cockpit we do some processing and apply some default filters, one of which is to hide draft CTA's (objectives). But when creating a report, we just show the raw data present in DB, hence there's a need to apply filter.

Let me know in case of any concerns.


Hi Hitesh, Yes, I think that being able to delete them, and filter them by Objective, in mass edit will accomplish what I'm looking for. Thanks!
Thanks for your reply Theresa, we will look into it.

Hello Everyone!

Gainsight now enables Admins to perform mass edit actions on Success Plans, including Reassign Ownership and Delete Success Plans in bulk. However, Admins can only reassign the ownership of a Success Plan to others, and not the individual Objectives and Tasks within it.

You can find the relevant information in our article

This feature is implemented onlyin the NXT version.

Thanks for posting!

Seems related here: 

Can we get an update @anirbandutta ? Thanks!

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