Be able to display CTAs for a specific user when using Sally for Slack

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Currently, we can have Sally find and display the CTAs assigned to the current user (e.g. My CTAs). However, we would like to be able to have Sally find and display CTAs for any user.

This would be useful in situations when a CSM is OOO, requires additional help, or a manager looking to quickly see activity for a specific CSM.

We can create an Insight and pull a report of all Open CTAs and then use the Filter to specify the Assignee. This is three steps: Show Insights <Type Name> <Insight Name>, then selecting the option to add a filter, and finally typing in the name of the Assignee. It would be preferrable to have the ability to either have a built-in query for any user (like the My CTAs query) OR be able to include a filter as part of the Insight query.

Hi John,

Thanks for the feedback.

Its an interesting use-case, and we will definitely think about adding this to our roadmap. I will reach out to you in case we make any progress on this.



We'd like this to. When a CTA is fired to a user, would be helpful it gave them a Slack notification, and bypasses email.

Hi @colin_burns_c26524, I have some good news. The work is in progress to inform the user about upcoming CTA’s and Tasks directly in Slack using Sally. We will update you once it goes live. Thank you for your patience!!