Customer unable to add editable CTA field with account lookup and unable to add a linked account object in CTA config

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I was working with a customer who was trying to add a custom field to a CTA, and this field had a lookup to the Account object. The customer was not able to modify the field to be editable, it was and stayed a read only field. This would not work for the customers use case because this field was meant to be manually editable in order to add partner account information into the CTA. I was able to enlist the help of Wayne Baker/Gainsight TA, and we tried a few things, then he suggested we try this as a linked object instead of an account lookup. In the end, the account linked object would not work. I consulted L2 Support on this and they confirmed that this appears to be a product limitation. The customers SA Scott Drost is still investigating a possible workaround, but in the meantime I figured that it would be helpful to put this in as a product enhancement. 
Hi Dan,

Let me know if my understanding is correct.

There is a custom field on the CTA object which is a lookup to account. When this field is added to the CTA layout its not editable and always has the value of the account of the CTA. Ideally, would you want it to allow the end user to search and add any account reference in that field? (similar to how it works for lookups on other objects) 

This is exactly what we are looking to do.  We have a program where a Service Provider could help on the CTA.  In those cases, we want to add them to the CTA through a lookup field we have already created.  The field looks up to Account and has filters to only return accounts that meet that criteria when searched. 
Hi Aditya,

Yes, you are absolutely correct. The inability to edit this Account lookup field makes adding the field in question to the CTA essentially useless; it has to have the ability to lookup manually entered information in order to add value.

Naomi is who contacted me about this use case, so her comments are especially pertinent.

Thank you for the quick follow-up

Hi Naomi,

Thanks for the confirmation. By "Filters to return only some accounts" - are these the ones defined in Salesforce ?
Hi Dan & Naomi,

You should be able to edit custom account lookup up fields on the CTA object now.

Does that help solve your use-case?

I just tried this in my sandbox and still am unable to make the field editable. Do we have to do an upgrade to get this functionality?
Hi Aditya, 

The customer does not get monthly upgrades, so she is not on a current gainsight version - Could you specify when/what version addressed this?


Hi Dan/Naomi,

The above enhancement was made available as part of SFDC 5.17.3 release,


Hi Naomi,

Yes, this is available in the 5.17.3 release. Can you check if you are on the latest version?