Ability to sync R360 timeline to Salesforce object other than Account

Related products: CS Timeline

Currently, both C360 and R360 timeline activities get synced to the Account object in Salesforce.  We have a separate object in Salesforce that we actually keep all our 'Relationship' level information in and would like to be able to map the R360 activity to the corresponding object in Salesforce.
I second this!
this is very much our case as well!
We have CSM teams that would love to use Timeline but can't because of this reason...
Thanks for the idea, we will definitely look into it. In the meantime, you can turn off the out of the box sync and use rules engine to sync activities to desired SFDC objects. With fall release, even notes are available in reports & rules engine. The only problem will be syncing external & internal attendees as these are still not available in reports and rules.


Hi Nitisha, I have been trying to configure a rule to sync timeline activities with activity history under the opportunity object and am not having any luck. Would you be able to provide more context around how the rule should be configured?  Thanks in advance!