Survey Rules Based off of Comments Field

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Currently it is possible to create a CTA Survey Rule based off a rating question in a Survey, but not off of the comment section of said question. It would be helpful to be able to build a rule based on if there is content of some kind in the comments section. That way CTAs could be created for well rated questions that also have comments.
Is there a use case example you could share for this one?
I think if a customer responds with a positive rating but no comments then a more automated 'thank you' is likely appropriate (especially in a higher volume situation).  

But if a customer responds with a high rating PLUS comments then a CSM needs a CTA so they know there are comments that must be read and they should close the loop appropriately.  

So rules based on the existence of comments could be another means of prioritizing CSM outreach.
That is exactly what prompted our inquiry if we could create a CTA based on comments. Client are responding positively to the survey questions and putting follow-up questions or thoughts in the comments that we need to know about, but they are getting lost since there is no notification. Right now it is a slow and manual process to run the "View details and follow up" from the survey to view the comments.

Hopefully something could be developed soon. I'm sure we aren't the only customers looking for this.

You can use filters / Criteria at Action level in Rules Engine to do that. Survey answer kind of long text area is supported in Action level criteria.

Read here to create a survey dataspace and you can create a custom rule on it.