
Filter logic for data spaces

  • 6 January 2017
  • 7 replies

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Am I missing something here? I see no filter logic in the Data Spaces section nor does it allow filter logic when I create a report using the Data Spaces object. Say it isn't so...

7 replies

Hi Renee,

This is as designed. No filter logic exposed for dataspaces since we use 'AND' for all the filters applied. When you create a report out of dataspaces, Dataspace level filters will no where be seen (designed to be internally applied). You would still be able to apply your custom filters on the fields selected in the report.

Happy to help with any other questions in this regard.


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Hello Jeevan,

Can you further explain what you mean by "you would still be able to apply your custom filters on the fields selected in the report".  Correct, I can apply filters in the report section and the 'AND' logic can be applied, but my need is to create custom AND/OR logic in the report section.  If I can't do it at the Dataspace level, I should be able to do it at the report level.  Custom function logic is key to reporting. This is a much needed feature.  While the 'AND' logic is at the Dataspace & report level, I would like to see the ability to provide further AND/OR logic at the report level at minimum.



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It seems to be an issue when viewing in Chrome as I pulled up in Firefox and the logic section is there.  I will test with my SF Admin and put in a ticket if necessary.

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One last update.  It is an issue with the zoom in Chrome.  The filter logic line appears if you are at 100% or less, but if you go 110%+, it disappears behind the report columns when in tabular format.
And just an update here, we planning to allow for filter logic in the data space itself, hopefully for Spring Release.
Update: Development has started on this enhancement in Spring cycle, but its planned to be shipped for Summer '17 .
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Thanks Venkateswara!
