Success Plans via Rules Engine

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

It would be great to get the ability to create a success plan by running a rule in the rules engine.  If we could create success plan templates in a similar way as how we create playbooks and then apply that template to the rules engine logic it would allow us to use success plans in a large scale atmosphere.  Right now, individuals are creating their own but it is hard to track as there are no standard parameters.
Hi Elleno,

Thanks for your input.

The ability to create success plan templates will be available in next release. You can then create a template with set of objectives and tasks and apply it to a plan. Although as of now, success plan cannot be created via rules engine.

Can you please share the use case of creating success plan by running a rule in the rules engine. This would help us in understanding the requirement and adding it to the roadmap.


This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Create Objective CTAs from Rules Engine.

We'd like to automate the process of creating Success Plans based on criteria the sales rep identifies in Salesforce. Currently it's not possible to create an Objective from the Rules Engine – adding that functionality would dramatically decrease manual effort from our CSMs to create the initial Success Plan.
We (TigerText) are a new customer of Gainsight. We would like like to add to this request:

  • Would be great to be able to assign success plans to all customers or a segment of customers through a rule. For example, at the end of the quarter, all CSMs need to go through a success plan with their customers and we would like to be able to push the activity to each account.

  • We would like Success Plan templates, so CSMs can add to templates and re-use them, rather than creating custom templates each time.

Hi Andrea,

Thanks for your inputs.

The ability to create success plan templates will be available in Nov release. Also, we have added creation of success plans via rules engine in our roadmap. ETA to be decided. 


Hey Nitisha

Was wondering if the above has been implemented.

We are launching Success Plans this week in our company and are training them on adding the strategies and then their objectives. The objectives we believe will be unique per account however if we could atleast preload a few strategies to get these guys started that would be a great help.

Any suggestions?

Hi Naquiyah,

Thanks for your post.

You can use Success Plan template to preload the strategies. This template can be applied on each success plan and then the specific objectives for each account can be added manually.

Success Plan templates will be available in Nov 19 release.

Although ability to create success plans via rules engine will not be available in this release. I will keep you posted on the ETA.


Hi Nitisha,

Do you have an update on when we might expect to be able to create Success Plans via the Rules Engine.  We're looking to replace some of the Event rules we have in place with Success Plans.  So, right now, when a customer goes live, we have an event that triggers to tell the CSM.  

My case would be I want to change that Event to an Objective and have it load the Adoption Success Plan template.

Here's how I think I'll have to set it up today -

Keep the Event, but don't attach a playbook, and just have the Event prompt them to create the Success Plan.  So, essentially, they'd just close it once they saw it and started the plan.

I also thought about using CoPilot to send them an email telling them Go Live happened, and they needed to create a Success Plan.

Are there any other ways that I'm not thinking of?
Hi Heather,

The capability to create success plans via rules engine will be available in the next release (i.e. April 7). Till then as a workaround, you can use either of the way you have mentioned above. 


Hi Nitisha, 

Our company is planning a major initiative around the ability to create success plans via the rules engine.  Would you have any early documentation on this for an Admin?

Was this released?
Hi Lane,

Yes, create success plans action is available in rules engine.