Request for the option of additional filters when creating CTA's.

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Currently when creating a CTA with a rule we have the option of checking the "Include name in identifiers" checkbox to have an additional identifier. 

In the future it would be nice to have the ability to include additional optional identifiers when creating a rule to fire a CTA when the name is not enough.
This would be immensely helpful - to be able to select one of the other CTA fields to use as an identifier. 

We use relationships, but often set up CTA rules as account-based rules, so that the same rule can trigger for multiple relationships without having to duplicate it, and we nearly always have to put a token for a relationship ID in the rule name to be able to use that as an identifier. 

This has caused all kinds of problems in the past (ie. rule names getting too long and truncating off the id, or a code change causing a character to read differently in the code, so CTAs that duplicate long closed CTAs refire, because it doesn't recognize the CTA name as the same)
Hi Andrew - can you share some examples of scenarios where you'd it would be required to have additional identifiers? 

Leanne - for your use case, if we allowed a relationship rule to be used across multiple relationship types, it sounds like this would solve your use case, correct?
Dan, it's not a matter of using a relationship rule across different types of relationships.  We have several relationships of the same type for each account.  So we need an identifier specific to the actual relationship ID, or Solution record ID from Salesforce.

We ran into an issue last week where over 300 duplicate CTAs were triggered because we were using a token for Solution id in the name of a CTA, and then using the name as an identifier. A code change switched the (totally unrelated) "&" in the CTA name to "& amp;" which then caused it to not recognize the CTAs as duplicates and re-trigger them. Being able to use an additional field as an identifier would also allow us to have "cleaner" CTA names. 
Hi Leanne,

Thanks for sharing this....If I understand correctly, SolutionID is a field on CTA & you would want to use that as well as an identifier (along with name, type & reason). Are the fields you want to use as an identifier added to the CTA layout ? (or could it be any field on the CTA object?)
Hi Aditya, 

The field I'd like to use is currently on the page layout for "create CTA" actions, via a linked object. I would think having the ability to add any Linked object IDs to the identifiers would be a good start.