Ability to Sort by Run Time for Rules Engine

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

It would be great if a Gainsight Admin was able to sort the Rules Engine by run time.  Currently, I have an excel sheet where I list out each run time and have to manually add and edit rules after I modify the Rules Engine.  If I don't keep this up to date it is very hard to find a window to run a rule. 
Ellen, Have you tried the Timeline view under Rules Engine Administration?  The default is the view you are familiar with, but you can get to the Timeline view by clicking on the button just to the left of "+Rule".
Thanks, Jan.  Every time I try to do that it "fails to load execution history."  A simple sort by time like how it sorts alphabetically would be very helpful.  
Hi Ellen, we provided a separate timeline view since a single rule can run multiple times, so wanted to have a view by each 'run' vs. just sorting the rule. I believe if the timeline view worked, it would support your use case. Can you please check again and open a support ticket if not working (We did have some timeout issues for certain customers who a large number of rules, but that fix should be in now)
Thanks.  I will try again and if it doesn't work submit a ticket.  
We prefix all of our rules with time so that it sort by this and we can find and group rules together by time quickly.
Jeffrey & Gaurav - is the above all still true? 
Martha - You can take a look at the timeline view in rules engine and let me know if that helps or not
I can supply more details on how we prefix our Rules in case other customer want to use a similar approach.  We have different categories of rules that we group together in different hour time-slots throughout the day. Most are scheduled early morning which allows us to review and correct any failure in our AM. Because the default sort in the "Rules List" is rule name our prefix allows all rules to appear by default in timeline order.  For example, or 2am rule looks like this "[02:00] Admin: Customer Info - Set Inactive Customers from Account Status". All of our 2am rules are admin rules and if we want to see only those we just search for "2:" in the filter.  Because we also include "Admin:" we could search by that as well.  The next item in our naming convention is the object that is being acted upon in this case "Customer Info".  This is then followed by the action that is being performed and we like to start with a verbs like Set, Update, or Clear.  For our rules that run multiple times through the day our prefix starts with something like "M1 [08:00]..." followed by the same naming convention. M1 is the first rule and M2 is the second.  This allows the default sort to group them all together within the default sort.  I hope this detail helps others.