Add additional layer for "Close CTA" function

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We have a use case

where we're wanting to close CTAs based on when users log back into the system.

The original CTA opens when a user has not logged in to our system for 45+ days.

What we would like to do is basically reverse the criteria for another rule

that would automatically close the existing CTA once a user logs back in to the

system so the CSM knows the risk has organically been resolved. 
Our company doesn't have this level of product reporting yet, but if/when we do, this would be a great feature. It would keep focus and efficiency up given high workloads for CSMs. Thanks!
With 5.5 release you can close the CTA using CTA ID. This essentially means that you can have a close CTA action based on CallToAction object and have the date criteria to close out the CTA's