Success Plan export report details truncated

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I have a customer that has had a few questions surrounding success plans.

We recently had a release that fixed the issue of the report details being rendered outside of the report (see before image).

Now the verbiage is being shortened and the full description cannot be read. 

I understand that this is expected but would we be able to readjust the the report in a way that the details do not get cut off?


After fix: 

Hi Cameron, I've been doing testing on this and I don't think this issue is new or specific to just Success Plans. In looking over my dashboards and other reports, it appears that all reports where the label exceeds the limit of the container truncates. Still worth fixing, however, I don't think this is a result of fixing that product bug. 

Thank you Steve! That image has a lot more data and size!
Hi! Wanted to add to this thread. The Success Plan summary slide is a default generated slide for the Power Point export. This is not a customizable slide; it is part of the Success Plan when exporting, not created in a Snapshot. And the text on the donut chart is Gainsight’s standard text for the status of the Objectives. That’s different than customer built reports, where you can change the label to fit. It would be nice for Admins to determine the legend font size and whether we can wrap text, shrink to fit, or truncate. However, for this particular post, just having the text show on the default summary slide legend would be great!
I agree with this point and also that we should provide a fix. I'll be interested in determining where the line is drawn between truncation and not having really small text. In both examples it does look like there is more room on the container to have every character possible. You also don't have the ability to hover in your ppt which further complicates this problem. Hope this point helps come to resolution. 
Hi Renee,

Thanks for your comments. Two aspects to this;

1) When you say "It would be nice for Admins to determine the legend font size and whether we can wrap text, shrink to fit, or truncate." you are potentially indicating at a chart editor like feature right(which is used to edit an individual report)?

Do you mean for the charts where you see such a need you would perform those edits and then include them as part of Success Snapshots? FYI, chart editor is one of the high potential features we are thinking for the future reporting roadmap. Your inputs will greatly help here.

2) As you said Success Plan exports are non-customizable and the legend text is Gainsight's default one. Will work with SP team to see how we can improve here.


Yes, you are correct.  A chart editor would be a great feature add!