Unable to mass edit CTAs under action 'Status', 'Priority' or 'Reason'?

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If you have observed that you were not able to use mass update, under action 'Status', 'Priority' or 'Reason' (Options Greyed out)?

All you have to do to overcome this challenge is to add a filter "Entitytype" and select either 'ACCOUNT' or 'RELATIONSHIP' and click on apply.

This will allow you to perform the mass edit under any action.

Thanks for this post! Would love some sort of notification in the app, though. This is not discoverable, and I'm almost certain I'll forget at some point in the future.
Hey Tharun! Thanks for this. Just tried editing per your suggestion, but the status, priority and reason options are still greyed out. Is this still valid? 

I agree - I did as recommended - added entity type to the filter - selected company.  The options are still greyed out.  Any recommendations?

Hi @tharun, tried what you suggested and the options are still greyed out!

Any other suggestions?

Even though entity type is pre-selected, this still isn’t working properly, despite what the documentation suggests to do.

@vchernyavsky  I’m with you on this - this area of Gainsight is one of several representations of hell. Never managed to get it to work as expected even with the entity type filter. And I do believe this should just work without needing to prefilter on things that don’t even exist (for example, we don’t have relationships anyway, so why would we want to filter on company because that’s the only thing we have). 

This is still an issue, has anyone been able to get around this?

Entity Type is just one of the filters you have to add. You also have to add CTA Type as a filter.




There’s actually a little help box that tells you what you are missing.



The reasoning behind this is because you can have custom status’s based on your entity level and based on your CTA type. So you provide the proper options the report needs to know which one you are looking for