Is there the ability to email a dashboard in excel?

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

We have a lot of tables in our dashboards. Is there the ability to email a dashboard that comes as an excel attachment? When it gets put into a ppt, the report spans many slides. I have looked to see if this is available, but just can't seem to find it. Thanks!
Hey Melissa, If the Dashboard contains only grid (table) type reports, export to Excel will be relatively easier to ship. Are you also looking at chart reports to be exported to Excel? That would be a more robust task. Do let me know and then I'll add it to the roadmap. Thanks for ideating! 🙂
For now, this would be my ideal scenario: i would love for it to have the option to do either the ppt email or the excel file email when you go to set up the schedule. Then if the excel file attachment email is chosen, for it work if the dashboard only has grid type reports - until you can get the charts in excel worked out at least!:) 
Sure Melissa, will add this to my roadmap and update you once we have picked it up. Thanks again 🙂
Hi we'd also like to explore sending utilization data as an excel file instead of the body of the email.
Exporting in Excel format is also a request of mine.

I am also interested in this feature!!
agree. Having options is critical
What you can do now is send a copilot email to internal users. Typically copilot email embed the graph in the body of the email as willybeanes pointed out. However if it is a tabular report, then it is attached as a CSV. 
Great. Thanks! I will start using co-pilot for this if it now attaches it as a CSV.
Melissa, sorry I accidentally mentioned that this feature has been released. It got pushed out but it is in the roadmap. Sorry about the confusion. For now best option is, export each report from dashboard and manually sending email. Also for Spring Release (May timeframe) team is working on dramatically improving the formatting of tables in PPT so that may become more viable. thx
Oh bummer! I was pretty excited about being to email that out for our Director level reports. I'll keep an eye out on future releases. Thanks!
Hi Melissa,

I recently started going through all of the unanswered posts.

Currently we have an option to export individual report in the csv format and also we have the ability to export the entire dashboard in PPT format. Will this solve your use-case? If not could you please elaborate the use case here, so that I have understanding on it and then decide if we can put it in our roadmap.