Add the ability to export all playbooks and tasks regardless if they are in use or not

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The only way to export all the active playbooks and tasks is to assign them to CTA (they must be “in use” prior to exporting).  Need a way to create a report or some kind of export of all the playbooks and their associated tasks without having to assign to a CTA. 


Client Reason:  When we review playbooks and tasks, we like to run the task list by exec.  A spreadsheet is much easier to review then sitting side by side going through the list in GS.  

Partner (Implementation) Reason:  When doing  a fresh implementation we import playbooks from Sightline Vault as a starting point. Would love the ability to send a spreadsheet to the client for them to discuss which steps are valid for them and which ones need updating.  

Are you on NXT? If so, you should be able to use the Cockpit Template object, but looks like in my environment the Playbook ID lookup doesn’t appear to be working: 

 Don’t know if that is a bug, but I would think if you have a Playbook ID lookup field, it should lookup to the Playbook object.

You may be able to create a DD set that merges the Playbook and Cockpit Template objects on the Cockpit Template::Context ID?  I haven’t tried that myself...

Agreed.  When creating risk management playbooks or others, a key ingredient is having actionable and effective steps.  When reviewing the playbooks with executives, what options do we have?  Need to be able to export to excel to review and approve and improve. 

As @darkknight has mentioned, this export can be achieved in reporting by selecting the playbook ID lookup field to get the playbook name and task details under it.

@sriram pasupathi I noticed that the not all the Task fields are available to report.  For example, the Task Description field….

@darkknight That is correct.We are planning for a proper export as a part of playbook revamp (tentatively Q3-Q4 timeframe). Thanks.

@sriram pasupathi an update on this?  If I am not mistaken, we’re past the Q3/Q4 timeframe noted in your previous comment.

@sriram pasupathi  Any update here? It’s been quite some time since the last response.

@anirbandutta I am not sure what the process is now, but this ticket is still showing under consideration but according to @sriram pasupathi they are planning to provide this function.  Should this be marked as Planned?

Also, is it possible to proactively group items with target/tentative timeframes, knowing that timeframes could shift so that we continually tag and ask for updates on these posts? 

The quarterly (?)  roadmap sessions tend to be more focused on big features- but finding a way to provide a bit more transparency on plans for enhancements and changes like these would help satiate the admin community.

Thanks for surfacing this @darkknight .

Sriram changed co.s a couple of months back, I looked in @mpatra to update us on the latest on this idea.