Functionality to have User choose Calculation for the Survey

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When the Survey has a Checkbox question- the calculation is-

(The number of responses for the option/ Total number of Responses) * 100

However, sometimes it makes sense for the Calculation to be-

(The number of responses for the option/ Total number of Respondents) * 100

It would be great to have a functionality to allow the customer to make this caclualtion choice as few of them would want a different calculation than what is done ideally.


Checkbox with options A(121 responses), B(100 Responses) and the total number of Survey Participants are 100. The way our functinoality now works is A( 55%) and B(45%). However, we do have customers who want it to be A( 121%) and B(100%). Different calculations are used for different use cases and hence can we have a functionality to give the calculation choice to the user?

I agree!