Gainsight Assist Chrome Plug-in: Always prompt the user with the conflict pop-up

Related products: CS Other Features

Use case:
We have some Customers that have my own org’s internal contacts in the Person object [eg:]

When the CSM [] composes an email in Gmail and has the Log to Timeline set as true and there are no actual contacts of the customer in the “To” line [eg:], the CSM is not prompted with a screen to validate/see in which customer the Timeline entry is being logged in, inadvertently making a Timeline entry that wasn’t intended to that particular Customer. The same happens if the customer has several affiliates and the contact is missing in the Company that the CSM is intending to log the activity... the CSM will not realize the activity was logged into the wrong Company and neither that the contact is missing.

Is it possible to always prompt the user with this screen to show the Company Record where the activity is being logged into? (and the “Search a new account too of course) 
Also, will be ideal to show more data (e.g, the searchable field set in “Search Configuration”). See my awesome drawing for reference:


Log to Timeline pop-up


Yes, and this is further complicated by the fact that you can’t change the company after the activity is logged. 

Big-time +1. We have a lot of customers that have near-duplicate or straight-up duplicate names and therefore rely on an additional 7-digit identifier to distinguish them, which we’re able to do in the C360. But in the Outlook plugin, it seems like we’re stuck with just the Company Name, which is quite limiting.

Hi Gainsight Team,

Any update on this case.

Let us know if we have any workaround for internal updates.

Also Gainsight Assist Chrome Plug-in should be default in gmail, it should be up to the user to disable it according to email

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