Advance Schedule for rule chains

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

I have a customer who has a few rules that need to run every two hours. Ideally, they'd like to have them as part of a Rule Chain and only have to schedule the rule chain to run every two hours instead of each rule individually.

Is it on the road map to allow Rule Chains to be set to run through an Advanced Schedule?

I can also see a use case where I have a set of rules that only needs to run on the first day of a quarter which would also require an advanced schedule.

Agree that some more flexibility in running rule chains would be valuable - I have a client that wants a group of 25 rules to run every 2 hours and scheduling them independently is administratively cumbersome.

Yes please! I have (and have seen) two use cases. A set of rules that needs to run once a year, and a set of rules that needs to run multiple times a day, both of which are sadly not possible right now.

Post has been sleeping for a while, time to wake up!

Goal: Be able to group rules together within a Rule Chain, and have it run based on a Cron Expression. 

We love Rule Chains, they make it simple to group rules together and run at the same time in order].  So you don’t have to figure out time tables/schedules so that the rules run order.  Especially when working on an Upsert, and then it’s associated Update rules.

However, as we advance and push forward with a more automated appoarch to various every day tasks - we’re finding our selves having to keep a chart of our Cron Expression Rules.  Simply so we don’t…

  • Bog down the system with a bunch of rules running at the same time,
  • Our ‘associated’ rules don’t overlap each other

The last point is the most important.  By default when we’re scheduling a group of ‘cron’ rules, there is a two hour gap between the associated rules.  So even if we have a rule scheduled at 10, and it only takes 30 minutes - the other rule isn’t going to run until 12.  This is just our safety net SHOULD something happen to the 10 o’clock rule - like it takes longer to run than normal, the 2nd rule isn’t going to fail/miss records.

Thank you!

Yes, this would save so much effort.

The current work around seems to be duplicating the rule chain to run at separate times to accomplish this task. So if you wanted every two hours, I would need to create 12 duplicates.

An advanced option (cron scheduler) fom rule chains would be amazing.


Ben Wanless

Bringing some attention back to this one - this would be extremely helpful, especially with the current limit that a rule can only be in up to 5 rule chains, effectively preventing workarounds like duplicating rules

@anirbandutta can this be updated to an Idea so it can be upvoted?

@andreammelde you’ll be happy/sad to find out there is a FIVE year old post already you can vote on:


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@andreammelde you’ll be happy/sad to find out there is a FIVE year old post already you can vote on:


so fun…. especially with it having 41 upvotes seems like something people want yet won’t be prioritized