Move an activity from the account to relationship level.

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It might be helpful for customers to be able to move activities in timeline from account to relationship. Not all users would need the ability but it might be helpful for admins, especially if they have to move a lot all at once.
I've converted this to a public post, so we can hear from customers whether this would be useful. 🙂
Agreed that overall we should provide more tools for admins to edit and delete content beyond those entries that they themselves created.
I think we could benefit from having the Timeline object available in the mass edit feature.  Not only providing the ability to move entries from Account to Relationship (because some CSMs were only logging at the Account since R360 roll up to C360 isn't yet available), but also the ability to change the Activity type, edit subject, activity date, etc... I suggest this because I can see needing to clean some of those fields up when the CSM may have selected the wrong information and it's showing as an outlier on a report.
It would be great to hear if any further progress has been made here.This is something that I would like our CSMs or Admins to be able to do. Not necessarily at a mass edit level. We often have CTAs posted at C360 level as that is the first access point to an account and CSMs often forget to open the relationship. If they could simply reassign the timeline post to a relationship it would be a great way to catch the ones that slip through the net. 
Hi Angela,

Thanks for the feedback! This idea is not currently being worked on, to the best of my knowledge. But the more votes it gets, the more likely it will be considered for the future!

I know this is an old post, but has any more consideration been given to this idea? Now that we can change timeline activities from one type to another it would be REALLY helpful for us to be able to update an account level activity to tie it to a specific relationship. We have quite a bit of reporting that relies on the activity being on the relationship level. If a CSM inadvertently logs something to the account, our only option is to delete and readd it on the relationship. Even if this was only available on global activity types (which most of ours are), that would be HUGE for our team!

Want this!  Why stop at R360?  I want to be able to move a timeline entry over to my Success Plan timeline.  This would be especially useful for Email to Timeline items which I can’t be associated with Success Plans currently.

@lila_meyer has there been any further consideration given to this idea?  It’s a significant functionality gap to be unable to move a timeline entry from the C360 to R360.  The ability to move a timeline entry to any other C/R360 or Success Plan would be hugely useful.  Delete and recreate it is not a good workaround.  

@anirbandutta can you help get a product mgr to provide a current perspective on where this fits or doesn’t fit into future development for Timeline?