Mass edit relationship CTA owner

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Hi there, our CSMs work with relationships only. When relationship owner is changed there is a need to change owner of all opened CTAs. I know it is possible (post is here) to change account owner in Mass Edit however cannot find anything that could help to solve the same problem on relationship level. Am I missing something?
Hi Lyubov,

You can use Administration > Mass edit to change relationship CTA owners. In the filters, add Relationship name and status reporting category = 'Open' and choose action to update the owner. Please let me know if you are facing any other problems.


Thank you, Nitisha, for the answer! I do see the possibility you wrote about but I cannot assign relationship owner on the CTAs. e.g. We have an account A and it's owner is John who is an account manager. The account  has several subscriptions: A1, A2, A3 - each having its own dedicated CSM. Let's say Kate, A2 CSM, left our company but is still assigned on 5 CTAs. A new person - Diana - is a new CSM for A2. I need to change assignee from Kate to Diana, but mass edit allows me change owner from Kate to Jonh.

It would be super helpful to have smth like Relationship --> Owner. I can potentially add relationship owner to an account level so that it was Account --> Subscription Owner however it won't help me much in situations when an account has several subscriptions like in the example above i.e. there is no one particular CSM who is associated with account.  

Do you think there is something that I'm missing?
Hi Lyubov,

Got your point! I have added this to the roadmap and we will pickup this item soon.


Hi Nitisha, 

could you help us please with figuring out the actual status of this request?

thanks a lot in advance!

Hi Lyubov,

This is not planned for another 3-4 months, I will give you updates as I get more clarity.


Hi Nitisha - any update on this one? I'd love to know about release date. Thanks!