Zendesk handling Multiple brands via connectors

Related products: None

One of our customer (Wisse) from the "Bynder" company would like send along the Brand-field along with the Zendesk ticket, as they have multiple brands in their Zendesk instance.

Currently there is no provision to fulfill this request via connector, as it is not possible to send the brand-field along with the ticket in a zendesk instance as we're not dealing in handling multiple brands in our zendesk instance.

However, It is possible to pull this info via the API (see https://developer.zendesk.com/rest_api/docs/support/brands). So, I'm adding this as our product enhancement and improvement request.


Hardik - Senior Support Analyst L1

Hi Hardik,

The "brand" here - is that just a custom field or is this indicating that you'd want to connect two or more different zendesk orgs to a single Gainsight org?

Yes, this is a text field that is populated once you activate the "brand" feature in Zendesk. The use case for using the brand is if you have multiple support orgs, products, etc.