Log emails to Gainsight using DL group

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Hi Team,

Currently we don’t have an option to log emails to Gainsight using DL group (Shared email address) . It will be helpful if we can provide some way in future to log emails to gainsight using shared email address either it could be via plugins or some other way. 

If their is any workaround to achieve it , Please let me know.

@sandeepchidiri agree with you, we don’t have a way to achieve this. I also want to consider other customer interests on this. 

@All, please up-vote here to show your interests.

Hello @sandeepchidiri 

Can you please share the use cases for this?

You can just add the DL as a person record in your contacts section and this should solve for it.

Hello @sandeepchidiri 

Can you confirm?

Hi @chethana 

Basically customer was looking to log emails to Gainsight using DL group (How we use our normal email address to log) , In the same way they have a DL group using that they want to log emails to Gainsight.

Hello @sandeepchidiri 

We do not have straight forward way, but have to use workaround to do this. Adding @Chirag to confirm the workaround.

Yes the workaround that Wayne proposed should work.