Allow "Contains" in Sharing Group criteria filters

Related products: CS Other Features

In Sharing Groups, I have to explicitly add each attribute value I want to include, rather than being able to add a “contains” filter, which results in having more filter options than I would otherwise need.

In the below example, I have to explicitly say SFDC Role IN “CSM Indigo,CSM Purple,CSM Violet,CSM Director Indigo,CSM Director Purple,CSM Director Violet,CSM Director Turquoise,CSM Head,Customer Success Head”

Whereas if I had a “contains” option I could just say SFDC Role contains “CSM” OR contains “Customer Success”


I’d like to further generalize this request to say “allow operators that exist everywhere else in the platform in sharing groups as well”.

For example, there also isn’t a “is null/is not null” option. So if you have a picklist and and you want a group defined by those without a value selected from that picklist you can’t do it as “nin” (which I assume means ‘not in”) and selecting all of the values because that ALSO excludes nulls.