Clearer arrow in CoPilot

Chad at Influitive had difficulty with a part of CoPilot that is less than intuitive and asked to pass on the following feedback to Product " do not put an barely visible arrow as a key step in the process. I didn't see the arrow at all and clicked on the text navigation links." This is a valid point, and there is also a floating arrow in the Survey module that customers tend to miss. Screenshots of what Chad is referring to are in ticket #3805

3 replies

Agree with this too.

Another idea I wanted to add here - if an Outreach has already been created and someone goes back in to it can we directly take them to the Outreach itself and skip the 'linking power list' step? Instead we could make the "To" in the outreach a drop down so it allows people to select a new list there if they need to.

Why this would be helpful? If someone is testing an outreach, and then wants to make changes to the template, etc and then come back to the Outreach - it saves them time if they don't have to select a power list again (most often I find myself changing the template quite a bit, but not the Power List).

Userlevel 5
Tracy, Thanks for the feedback. We will improve the usability here. Please let chad know that we are going to address this.

Nikka, I see the value in showing the dropdown list in that screen and on edit mode we can land the user directly to this screen, but would this not confuse the user because the behavior is different list creation one? 
Userlevel 5
This has been addressed in September release.

Thanks for the feedback
