
Adding SFDC Fields to the C360 Page

Is there a way to add SFDC fields to a new section in the C360? As far as I can tell, adding fields to the Attributes section is the only way to do this, but it would be great if we could create a new section so we can add other fields that are relative to the customer that CSMs can check/update while on the C360 page.

14 replies

Hi Kaycee,

Yes fields can only be added to Attributes section. And there is a restriction of only one account attribute section in CS360. 

If you think allowing multiple attribute sections can solve your problem, we can prioratise that requirement. :)

I think multiple Attribute sections would help satisfy this request. We just need a way to be able to pull in certain SFDC fields that users can edit fields.
Badge +4
Hi Kaycee,  

To be sure that I am following correctly, do you mean only pulling fields from Account and Customer Info or are you looking to pull fields from other objects?  Also, can you explain why you want to spread things over multiple Attributes sections?


Hi Carl,

Currently we're just interested in pulling fields that are on the Account or Customer Info objects.
Badge +4
OK.  So you are really just asking for a second Attributes section, right?  Can you share why just one is not enough?
Yes, a second (or even multiple) Attributes sections. The reason one isn't enough, is because we would want to break up different fields into different sections (much like SFDC). We want to be careful not to turn the C360 pages into a SFDC Account page, but we have some key fields we'd like to call out. Having just one Attributes section would have unrelated fields grouped together, and would clutter up the C360 page for our CSMs.

A little background on why this idea came up was because we have been using CTAs to notify CSMs to make account updates that affect customer scorecards. Affixing fields to CTAs was our only work around, and gets confusing for CSMs when they're trying to find which CTAs contain which fields. Having multiple Attributes sections would help us simplify this, and de-clutter CSMs' Cockpit queues, which would free up the Cockpit for more important CTAs like drops in usage, etc.
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I understand the need that Kaycee outlines above and can see where this section appears cluttered to the CSM. If there was simply the ability to create 'Groups' within the Attributes section I think that would meet our needs and allow for the CSM's to look at only one place and then search for the field that needs updating. With multiple Attributes sections, I could see them getting confused as to where to go to find the field that needs to be updated. 
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This is very good feedback.  Make sense. 
Userlevel 7
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Agree.  Different use cases for different sections.
Userlevel 7
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Agree.  Different use cases for different sections.
Userlevel 7
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Also, would be helpful to be able to pull in fields from other objects besides Customer Info and Account.  For example, Account Team Members and Contacts.  
I wonder if it would make sense and be feasible down the road to create C360 Sections based on Data Spaces?
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Yea, for sure.   
Userlevel 6
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We can pull in reports based on Data Spaces today, but only if the base object is directly related to the Account. So for example, we could previously add a report built on the Opportunity object to C360, but couldn't include the owner's role as we didn't have the ability to tread upwards into the User object. But now if we build an Opportunity Data Space and then create the report, the C360 section will have a lot more data on it.

This obviously needs to be enhanced further to perhaps include indirectly linked objects, with some degree of inline editing.
