Success Plan View Should be Sticky

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There are times where there are more than one success plan for our customers. Right now, the view seems to default to the first success plan on the dropdown list. We'd LOVE it if the success plan view was STICKY. So if a CSM was working on Success Plan #2 and had to refresh their page or go back to the success plan the next day, it would show Success Plan #2 instead of going back to display Success Plan #1.

This would mean less clicks and less waiting to load the success plan, which we know means saving time and money! :)

Hi Faust, valid ask, redirecting this to our product team.


Do you like to see this per User level or Account level?


User Level is best. There could be different CSM's working on the same account but different success plans. :)

Hi Faust, Thanks for sharing!

Just to confirm the statepreservation is for a user and Account.
