Add standard object "Duration (in mins)" to Timeline Advanced Filters

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Is there a plan to add Duration (in mins) stadard field to timeline advanced filtering? This will save us alot of time in searching for those email activities that doesn’t have a work duration.

@reggie_yu_gazmen sorry, I didn’t get you here. Could you please elaborate more for better understanding. 

Hi @sai_ram From Timeline, we’re using the standard field “Duration (in mins)” to report on the time worked spend at a meeting or call in an activity. Currently, this field is not available as an option in Advanced Filters. I found out from L2 that not all fields from Timeline can be used in Advanced Filters, only custom fields are allowed. As recommended, I post this in the community so it can be prioritized. Thanks  

Hi @reggie_yu_gazmen We don’t have an immediate plan to support this, as we see more votes we can re-prioritise.

@reggie_yu_gazmen  Is this only because we have emails not showing work duration ie the Gainsight Assist does not give us the opportunity to input our time?

@andrew_cummins No. As per GS default field used is not available to show in TimelineAdvanced Filters.
