
Find and Replace Objects?

  • 24 August 2021
  • 1 reply

We need to find the object “Sales Entity Old” and replace it with “Sales Entity”. This needs to be done over 3 separate entities as the “Old” is a string data type while the new one is a dropdown list.

Is there a global way to do perform a “find and replace”? Any suggestions or workarounds?

1 reply


Hi @jtrivedi, I believe you must be referring to a field on a GS Object? 

Unfortunately, I don’t think there is a way to modify the field data type once it is created. Here’s a workaround that could potentially work:

  1. Create the new field Sales Entity on your object with the data type dropdown list
  2. Run a rule that fetch the data from your object and setup an action that will load the value of the Sales Entity Old field to the new Sales Entity field.
    1. Make sure that the values of the field Sales Entity Old matches with your dropdown list, otherwise you will get an error message.

Update us if this works! If it does not, feel free to join and ask in the Slack Community.

