Manually creating CTAs - ability to update the status on creation.

Related products: CS Cockpit & Playbooks

Our CSMs are creating a lot of their own CTAs, and while they are creating them to track tasks, they want the quick ability to update the status right when they create it. Is this something that the admin can add or is this a functionality that is coming in the future?
Hi Melissa, If I understand correctly, your CSMs want to update a CTA's status while they're creating it. This is not possible today, and would be a feature enhancement. However, they can update a CTA Task's status while entering the task, but I don't think that's what you're asking about.

Thanks! But you are correct, they want to update the CTA status while they create it, not as worried about the task.
I am kicking this into an idea so product has visibility into this feature request. 
+ 1000 on being able to assign a CTA status when you create the manual CTA.  It's too many extra steps to go back and find a manual CTA you created just to get it in the right status when you normally know that status at the time of creation.  Thanks for posting, Melissa!  And thanks for moving to an "idea", Steve!
I'll also vote this one up. This has value for CTAs that are created to record something that took place historically or CTAs that are used to track a meeting or event that was not system generated. 

Having a third option added to the current "Save" and "Cancel" called "Save and Close CTA" would be AWESOME!!!

This enhancement is available now. You can now update both status and priority from CTA creation form.


I think I found a bug with this new feature. When CTAs are created and the status is immediately set to "Closed", the Closed Date is not being recorded within the CTA. This impacts my dashboard/reports that are

keeping track of all "Closed" CTAs. Is anybody else experiencing this?
Hi Johnny,

We had fixed this bug and you should not be seeing null data. I will forward this to support and we will check this out.

