Customer360: Add ability to export Usage Adoption graph

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We would like the ability to export the Usage Adoption graph directly from the C360 page once a user has selected which metrics to display and the date range, similar to how you can export reports.

I know that you are able to export the entire C360 but would like the ability to export just the Usage Adoption section so that I could incorporate charts into presentations, etc.

Hi Jeff,

You could create the same report using report builder and then export? Except for the milestone information, you should be able to create similar reports in report builder. Please let me know if that would work for your use case.

The reason I would like being able to export the usage adoption graph is because (in theory) you'd be able to select whatever combination of metrics you want to display and export that.

Doing it via report builder would be mean creating dozens of reports with varying data points, or one big report with all data points displayed and the CSMs would have to "hide" the data points they don't want to show.

Not to mention in Reports Builder right now I can only pull from a single object at a time, so if I wanted to compare overall portal activity (MDA) side by side with Scorecard measures data, I would not be able to.

Besides, if we can just have it export straight from the Usage tab, it would give CSMs freedom to create whatever combination of views they want to export without having to go into Reports.
Thanks for clarifying, Jeff! We will look into the feasibility of providing export capability for adoption graphs.
Sumesh - How can you create the same usage report in Reports? I'm finding that challenging. How do you get data from last 12 weeks for QBR purposes? I just want to show 2 data points as lines over a 12 week period. I can't figure out how to replicate that in the Reports section. Any help would be appreciated.
I am not sure if this is new or not, but I just discovered I can print or download an image from the Usage Adoption section on CS360:

I searched for this in the knowledgebase but I don't readily see it documented.  Would be good to include if it's not there already.