Filtering in Reports for "does not start with"

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

I'm trying to create a report on our Google Analytics data that excludes the 'system users', where our product is accessing the product on our customer's behalf to do nightly automated tasks. I like having those pageviews in the data, but I don't want them in this particular report.

Those users are identifiable because their username begins with "ss-". I can filter a report for "contains", "does not contain", or "starts with", but I can't filter it for "does not start with".

I tried to add the "starts with" filter and then change the advanced filtering logic ("A AND B") to "A NOT B", but I got an error that that expression was invalid. So perhaps this feature request is really to support "NOT" logic in those advanced filtering logic, which of course could also be useful in Rules, Power Lists, etc.
Love this idea and wish I had thought of it. 🙂

Hey Seth/Jeff, let me see what can be done regarding this. Initially, we are trying to get parity of operators in filters between SFDC and MDA reports. Once we do that, I will get to this. Will let you know once its picked up! Thanks a lot.
Would love more functionality in the filter logic, including "NOT", "OR". This is similar to another request I submitted where I want the ability to exclude "This Quarter" in reporting.
Ran into a case today where I could have really used a "do not start with" filter option or NOT logic option.
This still feels like a worthy request, though I might want to call it something like "Allow NOT as operator in filter logic"?