Filter data to first X days

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We’d like the ability to look at what customers are doing in their first 7, 15, 30 days (examples) to help better understand feature adoption. We haven’t found an elegant way to be able to look at every users’ first X number of days. The only workaround was to look at a specific date range and then have the sign up date within that date range. This is obviously limiting in terms of the number of users who would qualify.

Thanks for posting your idea to PX Community @ajrufer !  This sounds like a really nice feature/report request to me!


While is is not a perfect fit, I would use the Feature Adoption report Grouped by Feature to see the most/least popular Features for the different user cohorts based on Signed-up date.  Samples below:


What are the most/least popular Features for users that signed up in the last 7 days:

What are the most/least popular Features for users that signed up in the last 30 days:


What are the most/least popular Features for users that signed up in July:


Happy PX-ing!