Ability to change the Milestone name when creating from a CTA.

Related products: CS Timeline

Enhancement Request:    

Automatically create a way to modify the Milestone (name) when I create a milestone from a CTA. For example, if I have an EBR CTA and make it a milestone, the milestone should be called "EBR" not "Event Created."
Hi Molly, I agree it would be helpful to have more control over the milestone naming.  You may have already figured this out, but I thought I would mention that in your example of an EBR CTA you could likely use the "load to milestone" action in the Rules Engine to choose the milestone name from a drop down option that you can control to ensure consistency.  So you would be automatically creating the milestone once the CTA with reason "EBR" (for example) has a status of "closed success" (for example).  There should be more information at support.gainsight.com if you search for "load to milestone".  Alternately, this would be a good use case for Admin Office Hours.  Hope that helps.  Happy New Year!