Timeline Activity Search Functionality (make this similar to Customer search options)

Related products: CS Timeline

Currently, in the Customer search we are able to designate the style of search:

Though, within the Timeline Activity search, you are not able to use 'search contains' - this makes it very clunky when you have longer Account names (or Account names that include inconsistent use of hyphens, etc.) since you have to start from the very beginning of the Account name:

Having this consistent across searches when our users are leveraging Account names would be very helpful in streamlining their process! Please consider bulking up the search for Timeline Activities. It seems to be an expectation when it already exists in one area of the site, and then not another. Thanks so much!

I agree! This would be super helpful.

I always upvote consistency in design!

Hello Everyone!

Happy to announce that your request has been considered and included as part of the v6.18 release (SFDC / NXT). With this release, Timeline's search functionality has been improved. Users can now search by Content, Entity, and People. This enhancement enables users to add additional options to limit the search and to filter search results further.

This feature is implemented in both SFDC & NXT versions.

Thanks for posting!