Is it possible to export dashboards as PDF?

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Is it possible to export dashboards as PDF?  If so, how and/or is there somewhere I can enable this? 
We don't have PDF as an option - here are the ones we do have:

1) Export in PPT

2) You can share a link to a dashboard with our Sharing feature.  This allows the recipient to see an interactive dashboard with a rich experience and ability to do additional fitering on what they receive.

Will either of these options work for your use case?
I think this is a great idea though. If I need to print off a dashboard for an exec meeting, a PPT that can be 20 pages long with some only showing a widget number does not feel professional. Allowing admins to set the PDF export view of a dashboard would be a great add. Sometimes, sharing the dashboard is not ideal because it shows live data which may not be what you want to discuss. 
@All, We heard your request, but more users are in need of PPT than PDF export.

Will enhancing PPT export solve your use-case?

Changing this to an Idea post,since this is an enhancement request.
What are the potential enhancements to PPT? 
Hi Samantha, 

PPT is readable and editable but PDF is read only.

Regarding the PPT enhancements, what would you look for in above case? 
I agree with a PDF option.  Gainsight Dashboards are beautiful, simple, and typically one or two pages.  Exporting them to a PPT completely defeats, bypasses, and ignores all that is great about the Dashboard.  Export to PPT turns the data into a a one-page-per-report messy, and clunky, 1990's powerpoint deck.  Exec's want to see THE Dashboard the EXACT same way that its beautifully presented in Dashboard form; not broken apart.  

And yes, we know that they could view the Dashboard live, but for those who want a copy in their email, or need to share offline copies to other stakeholders above them such as a BoD, a simple print to PDF would be a huge improvement.

The risk of Gainsight not supporting this is already being felt.  My teams are having to find other creative ways to share out Dashboard information; using non-Gainsight tools and features.  This cascades up the chain as exec's now see data coming from tools other than Gainsight - which will inevitably bring up the topic of value and renewal.
Hi Team,

One of my customer (Jessica) from the company (Service channel) is also looking for this feature to export a dashboard in PDF format or Image format,



+1, a PDF export would be much more useful than the existing PPT option

I would also like to add my vote for export to .pdf functionality. I am trying desperately to get my teams and executives bought in to the value of Gainsight. To do that, I'll be migrating Salesforce dashboards that I know are of value to those audiences to Gainsight. I have already been asked for a one-page export out of Salesforce, so I know the request to do it from Gainsight will be forthcoming 🙂 Thanks for your consideration!

+1 on this! I've been asked by probably half of my customers if this is possible, and for the exact reasons mentioned by Joshua Green.

The lack of customizability makes the PPT dashboard export positively unusable. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say nobody wants a single table spread onto 10 slides any more than they want 10 slides featuring a single number.  

The PDF export is in a reasonable format that is precisely what I would want to send out as a snapshot in time of what our dashboard looks like.  The option to export from PDF is RIGHT THERE, the option to automate sharing is RIGHT THERE, please put the two together.