Freeze columns in Gainsight Home "My Portfolio" widget

Related products: CS Other Features

Since My Portfolio is the only way to in-line edit company records in bulk, we’ve had to add multiple fields to the widget, requiring a significant amount of scrolling.  But there appears to be no way to freeze (or relabel) the Name column, so you lose the context and end up having to scroll left to find the company and scroll right again to find the fields you want to populate. 

So much scrolling results in a poor user experience.

Before scrolling
After scrolling


So frustrating! Also, ability to change column widths to cut down on the endless scrolling

Also, it needs to be exportable

aaand to see more than 50 records on a page… so yeah, this thing needs work

No StatusPartially Fixed

@Azad what was partially fixed with this?

@aschreiner - Freezing the first column is now possible, resizing columns is still in progress. 

Hi @Azad , what are the chances this gets revisited a bit? 

We need at least the first two columns to freeze when we look at our Relationships so we can clearly identify what Relationship and company as we scroll to the right.

Our Relationship structure is product based, so we have multiple Relationships with the same name, but the only distinction if the Company they are tied to, but that gets lost as we scroll.

@anirbandutta who is leading this now?

Getting some PM eyes