Schedule Program source every 6 month?

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This is a general ask by the user, let me know if it is possible or not?

Basically trying to send an NPS every 6 months to a specific type of contact so I created a program and the list of users is populating correctly however I only see an option to schedule source with months as the longest option. I want to trigger it every 6 months. Also if program is not the best way to do this please guide me. 




@shiv_kumar_katiyar Thanks for sharing this! I am redirecting this to our product team.  



I was told by my GS CSM that the best way to do this is via Participants configuration. You do this in the actual program by clicking on participants and its step #2 Filter Criteria on Participants. You need to tick a box within Advanced Criteria and edit the field in ‘Participants with the same email address can enter once in XX days’. So for you this would be once in 180 days. 


I’ve got an issue related to this. I’ve got a survey that goes out quarterly, it is already configured with participants entering every 90 days. However, I want an ability to hold it and kick it off on a specific day. There can be many reasons for this E.g. 90 days could be a Friday and I don’t want my surveys to be sent on a Friday; there can be a strategic reason to hold off for a week or so; I might need to wait for my CSMs to update the participants list for another day, etc. I was wondering if it would be enough to just pause/stop the program and it would kick off once I start it again? or is there another way to hold it until I want it to start running?


Thanks all!



I was told by my GS CSM that the best way to do this is via Participants configuration. You do this in the actual program by clicking on participants and its step #2 Filter Criteria on Participants. You need to tick a box within Advanced Criteria and edit the field in ‘Participants with the same email address can enter once in XX days’. So for you this would be once in 180 days. 


I’ve got an issue related to this. I’ve got a survey that goes out quarterly, it is already configured with participants entering every 90 days. However, I want an ability to hold it and kick it off on a specific day. There can be many reasons for this E.g. 90 days could be a Friday and I don’t want my surveys to be sent on a Friday; there can be a strategic reason to hold off for a week or so; I might need to wait for my CSMs to update the participants list for another day, etc. I was wondering if it would be enough to just pause/stop the program and it would kick off once I start it again? or is there another way to hold it until I want it to start running?


Thanks all!

Thanks for sharing your use-case, Justina. We will look into solving this use-case.