Default auto-collapse grouped health measures on both C360 and R360

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From a UI perspective, I've received a feature request: when going to the Scorecard section of both C360 and R360, the measures be collapsed by default under their respective group headers, as it is significantly easier to read on-the-fly by CSMs
Hi Joshua,

Thanks for sharing this use case. We will add it in our roadmap and will let you know regarding the timeline for the same.


Abhishek S
Hi Joshua, collapse measure groups for a Scorecard on the C360 page is available in October release.

We have introduced a new option to expand or collapse measure groups for a Scorecard on the C360 page. By default, all of the measure groups are expanded when you visit the C360 page. Now you can select the Collapse all groups checkbox, to collapse all of the measure groups. When the measure groups are collapsed, you can only view the health score for the whole measure group.

Please refer the release notes for more information. 

Thanks for bringing this up!