Differentiating Face to face meetings via online/emails using BCC Timeline functionality

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A lot of our CSMs use BCC to Timeline functionality for all sorts of interactions incl meeting follow up notes and training. Is there any way we can use the BCC but distinguish between face to face interaction and an email - without the need to log into Gainsight directly? It’s critical we can track trainings and f2f meetings accurately, which is currently being skewed since the BCC link logs everything as an email. 

I know others are asking for this too but have not found the answer.


Thanks in advance




Hi @katerina_nemcova  can you share some more details on the use case where you’d send a customer an email but you wouldn’t want that to be recorded in Timeline as an email? 

Hi @dan_ahrens - I get you question - it’s an email so it should be recorded as an email. The challenge we have however is that we need to track different types of interactions with customers like training, face to face meetings etc - e.g. what was the  last time we met with Exec Sponsor in person (rather than email conversation).

CSMs & others love to use the  BCC to timeline functionality because it’s simple and quick. They use it for follow ups of f2f meetings e.g. “Thanks for your time today to discuss the program objectives, here is what we agreed...”. or trainings “Thanks for your time and hope you found the training session useful. here is the link to….”

Anything logged via the BCC link arrives as type=email. If we were able to change if afterwards, that in itself would be a great help.







Thanks for explaining in more detail. That makes sense. A common workflow associated with customer meetings that we see and recommend is taking notes during the meeting in Timeline and then copying the relevant contents from that Timeline activity into an email to the customer. 


Another concept that is currently in development is the ability to send an email directly from Timeline which would email the contents of the Timeline activity to selected recipients. This sounds like it would more closely align with your use case, do you agree?

Thanks Dan. Our CSMs tend to work the other way around - usually write notes out in the field/whilst travelling etc in Outlook. At the end of the day/week, they log  anything over/above/extra directly into Timeline.

If the internet connection is good/or if they can log directly to GS out in the field, then I/them agree it’s a lot easier to write notes directly into Timeline. Having the ability to send emails out from Timeline would be useful - providing it would support signatures and attachments. (with the former being compulsory for our org). It would definitely encourage people to log into Gainsight more often.  I know you don’t share ETAs but is this idea in development likely to materialise anytime soon?



@katerina_nemcova  send email from Timeline is possible now. Please refer to this article for more information. 

Plus one for this. We’ve set up a “Meeting Type” or “Tag Type” field in Timeline to give us another level of granularity of looking at the activities. My exec team use the bcc feature but we can’t populate this field that way and it requires the execs to have to log into Gainsight directly to update this field - which they don’t (yet) do that frequently.