Ability to Create PowerList from CSV of Accounts

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Right now, it's possible to create a PowerList from a CSV of contacts with email address or contact ID. It would be really helpful if admins could do the same from a CSV of account identifiers. For example, if you had a list of accounts and account IDs, you could upload and filter down by contact criteria (i.e. contact role, title, etc.)

Hi Calvin,

I'd love to hear more details around the use case. This is what I'm hearing, but tell me what gaps I'm missing:

You have a CSV with a list of accounts (just Account Name or Account IDs) that you'd like to receive a given email program. The source file is just the list of accounts, but you further want to filter the data so that you only send the email program to specific contacts (defined by contact role, title, etc), so your participant list is really the combination of the CSV list of accounts merged with your contact data and filtered to target specific contact types at those listed accounts.

Is that right? Anything else that I might be missing?

Where does the CSV of accounts to be targeted come from?

Hi Dan, yes exactly!

Generally these tyeps of lists come from our Product team and consist of account name and an ID (usually not SFDC ID). As a result, I often have to pull another SFDC report or PowerList of contacts and do some vlookups to get the right contact list and then upload into GS.

It would be great if all of this could be done directly in Gainsight similar to how it currently works with the Contact CSV file.

Here's another use case: I frequent get requests from Product and/or Marketing to send out messaging to a list of clients. It takes extra effort and opens up room for errors when I have to pull reporting from SFDC to match Contacts to the Account list I've been provided, then create a Powerlist from a CSV. I'd much rather just load the list of Account IDs and specify my criteria.


Thanks for these additional details Anna and Calvin. It sounds like what you'd like to be able to do is to use your CSV file as a source in a bionic query task and then merge that task with another task that is fetching all the contacts in your system, keeping only the contacts that exist in your uploaded CSV list. Does this sound like something that would fit your use cases?

This would work but it would be more convenient if this was a feature in the PowerList builder tool.

Thanks for posting this Calvin!! We also get consistent requests from the Product team and have to pull a separate report and vlookup the data...