Decimal place for MDA fields

Related products: CS Timeline

On-behalf of Customer: To be able to add decimal places in numeric MDA fields.


To be clear, this is a "System" type MDA table but a custom that I want to update 🙂
Hi Kate,

Not sure if i understand the use case here. Can you please elaborate?


Hi Sumesh - we require our CSM team to document and track their time in hour increments, and so I want to add a custom field to all Activity Types in Timeline called "Hours".  In order to make the time tracking accurate, we have had numerous requests to allow for .5 increments of hours.  

We do not want to use the "Duration (mins)" field, because that will cause our team to get too granular with their time tracking.  Half-hour increments is as granular as we want them to be.  Additionally, we can't simply re-name it to "Hours" because it doesn't allow for decimal places.

Since the new field I am adding (through the Activities and Timeline configuration page) is custom, even though it exists on a System-generated MDA table, I'd like the ability to allow for decimals (perhaps through editing the field characteristics on the Data Management > MDA table configuration shown in Raymond's screenshot above).

Here is an example of a System type MDA table that allows for Schema Editability.  This is what I want for custom fields on Activity Timeline. 


Thanks for the clarifications, Kate! I've routed your request to the Product manager of Timeline for further action.
Hi Kate,

Thanks for the detailed use-case, completely makes sense. I have added it to the roadmap and will update ETA here soon.


Is there any update on when we might be able to expect this? Currently we can make the entry into timeline, but when we pull it into a report it rounds up.  Example .5 turns into 1

Hi Chris,

Did you tried configuring decimal places for that field in report builder as shown in below screenshot.

Hi Chris, 

This feature is already out. You can now configure decimal places for timeline fields (while adding the field or at layout level for fields that are already added).

Also as Venkatesh indicated, you need to make changes in report builder as well to see the decimal values.


Thanks all - I totally missed this step on the report fields.