Print survey analytics

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It is a pity that in Surveys 2.0 we can't print the analytics of a survey into PDF and thus share these native analytics with other people within the organization that don't have access to Gainsight.

The surveys are an important feature and represent an incredible output in the customer success world. It's such a shame that we can't export these analytics branded Gainsight with other people, to show the value of Gainsight as a tool inside the organization and attract more users.

The problem appears when you have matrix questions which are represented in the analytics as iframes and have their own vertical scroll (additionally to the scroll of the main page). Thus, the questions within the iframe can't be printed at all in PDF because of the scroll of the iframe.

Would be great to have a solution for this.


@manuel_damian Thanks for bringing this up! We have this in our long term road-map. We also change the road-map based on customer interest, let's see how other customers react to this feature.

Bumping this to the top to bring everyone's attention.

Hi, we would love to have this feature as otherwise, we need to create similar reports ourselves, they are already there so would be really useful to have this as an option.

+1. Yes, definitely helps us and saves a lot of time, if we have an option like Download/Export the Survey Analytics. 

Hi, we would love to have this feature as otherwise, we need to create similar reports ourselves, they are already there so would be really useful to have this as an option.