Hyperlinking within C360 widgets

Related products: CS 360 Company & Relationships

We have a widget in the C360 that includes hyperlinks pulling from Salesforce. It would be nice to have the ability to hyperlink those to the appropriate web address.
Hi Elizabeth, We are supporting the hyper-linking functionality in the C360 widget and relationship widget,

clicking on them we redirect them to appropriate web address. Below is screenshot. 

Let me know if I am missing anything :-) 
Hello! Would someone be able to direct me to documentation on how to add this functionality? It's my second week as a Gainsight admin, so this would be extremely helpful! 🙂
Hi Brittani, Sorry for the delay here. Here is the article which helps you .

Let us know if you need any help in configuring 
My org has URLs in fields other that "Website" on the Account. We would like to make them clickable as well.