Syncing Timeline Activity Type to Slack Channel

Related products: CS Timeline

We're interested in syncing gainsight up to a slack channel, and populating it when a custom activity type is created in Timeline. We have a "Customer Wins" activity type, so our leadership wants to see these surfaced in slack everytime someone enters one into GainSight. 

Does anyone else here have something similar set up? Overall curious if this is possible and how easy it may be. 
Hi Jackie,

Very interesting use-case. Would you like the activity to sync automatically to a Slack channel or would a CSM prefer initiating the sync manually? Also, would it always be the same Slack channel to which you would want to sync?

Thanks for posting,

FYI, Jackie and I communicated separately, and I pointed her towards the setup I used to push NPS to Slack. This should be easier, though, since she isn't trying to combine NPS with two separate survey questions. Hoping she's successful so I can steal her setup!
Hello All,

Subscription to Timeline Activities in Slack via Sally is in the near-term roadmap. Will update the ETA when we have better clarity.



Do we have an update on this? We use Timeline to capture Product Feedback from Customers and I would love to have these funneled to a Slack channel so Product can see it immediately and reply + tag CSM if an update / response is warranted.

@rajesh_gande rather than subscribing to all activities the request is for a specific activity type to push to a slack channel.


@jackie_cofield you can create this work flow using the rules engine. Grab the timeline entry and post to External API of Slack. The example below is for NPS responses but you could do the same for Customer Wins.