Account Lookup Search in Report Builder

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In report builder, when running a report off of objects in SFDC, you often need to filter on the Account ID field for testing. When you select the Account field (the ID field, but it is technically a lookup field in SFDC), you are presented with a search box:

This can be beneficial because you don't need to go hunting for the ID. However, it can be a burden when you do have the Account ID or the bigger issue - you have duplicate accounts. With larger customers, many have instances of the same customer, with the same name, many times in SFDC. This search doesn't filter down to only show customers in Gainsight, which is okay, but you have no way of knowing if you are selecting the correct one when filtering. 

You also cannot select the ID field directly on the Account object as a filter, this may have changed because I believe in the past you could. The Account lookup on Customer Info is also a name search.

My idea is to actually get rid of the search and allow to search on Account ID. The Account Name field is still there so you could either add search there (don't know if that is possible) or just let users filter on the Account Name field like normal.
Joe, good point, I don't think we expose Account ID, when we join.I like your idea of adding search on account name as you suggested, and we'll evaluate feasibility given that it is a string not a reference. We could also just expose an extra Account ID field.

In the mean time, you should be able to create a data space with account id field to do this. I'll double check this as well. 

I was digging into this a little bit more today. The data space is a good work around for SFDC data. In my case, I use this as a filter a lot more often on MDA objects. These MDA objects sometimes have Account Name, sometimes don't, so its a little more difficult. 

Given what I've learned about Standard Objects in MDA, I think this would be solved with Account ID and Name both being on the standard company object. But just want to make sure.

With Gaurav leaving, did someone take this post over? I ran into another pain point today while trying to filter MDA data down in Data Management.


Hello Everyone,

Happy to announce that your request has been considered and implemented in the Horizon Analytics in both SFDC NXT versions. Horizon Analytics has new capabilities such as responsive charts and dashboards, flexible dashboards with more widgets (Image, Web Page, Rich Text), etc. 

Following are the major advantages of Horizon Analytics:

  • New and improved User Interface based on the Gainsight Horizon Design System.

  • Easy access to a list of Reports and Dashboards.

  • Easy to share your Report and Dashboard through PPT or Link.

  • Ability to retrieve the deleted Reports or Dashboards from the Trash folder.

  • Easy to enable/disable the Report data downloads (including external links)

  • Easy to enable/disable the lazy loading of Report Widgets.

  • Easy to select the Color Palette, either Gainsight Defaults or Custom Colors.

  • Simplified drag and drop capability for adding fields to the Report.

Thanks for posting!

@naga_gonaboyina thank you for sharing!!