Scorecards in the SFDC Account Widget - read only ?

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So is the Scorecard really Read-Only for the Read Only users?

Desire is to show the Scorecard data in the widget to Sales people,

but we dont want them updating the Score data nor the comments in the

scores.... So the only way around that would be just not to show the

Scorecard tab (kinda stinks) or tell them not to change the Scores....

Anyone else have this business case ?
A read only Account widget is a very popular request. Currently we do not have this but when we add these capabilities, you will be able to share a view only scorecard tab (in the widget) with specific salesforce users.
Just to clarify; users with View licenses that see the Gainsight widget on the account page can edit the data? Somehow never realized that if true; and that is definitely not a good or desired thing. Would kind of defeat the idea of a "View only" license.
JD - from what I can see - yes.   We will warn/train our Sales and other Services staff about the edits and when its ok to edit.   But, trust will play a big factor.   Actually, we view the engagement from other departments and other users encouraging so that we continue to drive a 360/ complete update of the customer.   BUT there are some pieces Id rather, was expecting, be view only.
I see this enhancement very useful to provide cross functional

visibility without providing access to update anything in Gainsight.

This needs need to happen before this can be a useful feature within our Org
We would really like a read-only version! Looks like this was brought up over a year ago and while mentioned to be a popular request hasn't made it into the roadmap.  Would love to know more about when this might make the list.